Early Saturday morning, December 10th, the kids received invitations to visit Lapland in Bewl Water Estate, UK, which is a magical place where "Father Christmas" (aka Santa Claus to all of us) has a whole village...elves included. The eight reindeer (Rudolph was on an errand) , Husky dogs, Mother Christmas, a toy workshop, a gingerbread cookie kitchen, skating rink, post office, and a lodge with cocoa and goodies were all fun stops along our way. We spent the day with elves and finally...met the big guy himself...the real deal...Santa Claus. He knew everything about us and gave us a holiday book as a souvenir. The entire village was covered in fake snow although it looked very real. All in all, we had a fun day out and it added to our Christmas spirit.
Reindeer Parade, Windsor |
There were many more holiday events that kept us busy in December. From cookie bakes, chorus performances at school, holiday parties, parades, and luncheons...to getting ready to board that non-stop plane to AMERICA! We were ALL pumped with excitement to arrive back to our home, family, and friends. Plenty of empty space in our suitcases was allocated for Santa's gifts that were sure to arrive shortly. My parents headed from Boston to Atlanta to visit and "play dates" were starting to be scheduled.
Turns out the trip was a whirlwind. I mean two weeks went by in a flash...we visited with family, saw many friends, adjusted to the time difference, stocked up for our next six months, and rang in the New Year. I can't even begin to tell just how much that trip meant to all of us. A very warm welcome home from so many. It felt great to see so many familiar faces, sleep in our own beds, eat US food, pay with dollars, and drive on the "right" side of the road. It was also fun telling about our own adventures and hearing about all we missed. We didn't however, get to see everyone we intended to due to life's hectic ways. We were far busier than we had imagined. We all returned to London quite tired, but very happy from our visit back home. It sure was a memorable Christmas. Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2012! Lots of fun awaits this year!